...is that sometimes you get too poorly to write or frequent the sites you now call home (BIG shout out to Mastadon here, where I love to just see who is about and chat).
Sometimes you can barely move and are crying all day because winter has arrived and it is too frosty for your wheelchair to not skid into the road and your mobility scooter has broken down and needs a service, which will have to be after christmas now and this means that unless it is tipping down with rain, which brings its own challlenges, you can't actually leave the house until spring.
Sometimes it means that though you are feeling really fucking horny, your Ehlers-Danlos means you can't move a limb without it screaming at you.
Sometimes it means that you doubt yourself. Doubt that you are a good enough writer to be pulling this off.
Sometimes it means all of that and more.
It is why I haven't been around for a few weeks.
But I am back now. I have some lovely fantasies to write up and a possible fuck connection with a ridiculously beautiful woman type person coming up too. Shit, writing about them makes my clit throb, the thought of all that hair in my hands, pulling her head back, licking their neck...
Like I said, it has been a bit of a year, but I am back and am hoping to stay back!
If you want to help support me, you can do so the following ways.
Subscribe to my Patreon. It really helps keep me going and this year it is going to pay for guest posts.
Buy a sex toy using my link.
You can read reviews for many of them here, and ask me questions whenever you like.
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Repost when you see mine and other sex writers' stuff appear. Liking is great, but it is boosting that gets us noticed.
I have some more posts on urophilia coming up soon and am open for suggestions on what to write about so...
...have the holiday season you can. Remember that you are loved and cherished, if only by this strange little corner of the internet where we discuss spanking as easily as we discuss making a meal. Keep going my wonderful kinky siblings.
Lastly, it would be utterly remiss of me to end this post without thanking Girl On The Net, who has encouraged me and kept me going. Keep going you wonderful, sexy soul.
Also, to superfans Hypnobeard and Phil0 for all the boosts... BIG KISS xxx

Huge sympathies on the disability/sex difficulties! It's the most fucking frustrating thing when half your body is desperate for touch and the other half can't handle it.