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Writer's pictureDee Dickens

The 1-2-1

Ed Hernandez is back! You may remember him from the tale of Kate and Eddie in Tonight. This time he has a scorching tale of office passion and an end of year assessment you will not forget!

My alarm went off early that morning, so I was sure not to miss the bus. I groaned and peeked at my mobile phone through sleep-blurry eyes, as it buzzed and chirped on the bedside stand.

6:30 it read on the display, ugh, how fucking rude! I thought. I turned the damned thing off with an angry swipe of a finger, it was far too early for this shit! What the hell had possessed me to go into the office today anyway?

I hadn’t been in the new office, apart from the one time I had had to pick up my new laptop, for over two years now, ever since we had been asked to work from home at the start of the Pandemic. Now as work regulations were started to get eased off, we had all been asked to work a hybrid model of working, two days in the office, and three days at home. It wasn’t bad, but I had gotten quite used to working from home now.

I begrudgingly went through the morning’s ritual of getting out of bed, letting out a big yawn as I stretched my arms and legs that sounded more like a part wail, part mating cry, than an actual yawn. I grabbed my phone as I stood up, scrolling through my WhatsApp messages and Snapchats from the night before. Nothing that needed my attention for now and popped it back on the bedside stand. I let another yawn as I scanned the floor for my green fluffy slippers, scratching my left-arse cheek as I did so. I found them and slipped them on, sighing as the soft inner fabric caressed my cold feet. Lastly, I took a sniff of an armpit, scrunching up my face and letting out an ooft, as the odour of stale sweat smacked my nostrils. Smelling a bit ripe there love I told myself and I headed to the shower.

Eventually, after a good ten minutes, I stepped out of the shower cubicle and slipped a towel around me, and headed back to my bedroom. I quickly dried my long blonde hair with my old hair dryer, brushed out any stubborn kinks that had managed to get tangled there, and went about the business of getting dressed. Thirty minutes later after applying my makeup and making sure I looked good, I checked myself one last time in the mirror to see if I was ready to rock. I certainly was ready to rock, now time to catch the bus to work.

Thankfully there was a bus stop not that far from the house, about a five-minute walk, which was ideal for me as I had to haul my work laptops with me, which was a royal pain in the arse. I didn’t have to wait long to get a bus, they ran every thirty minutes and if there were no road works or weather issues, they were fairly reliable. The number Ten bus came at just after 8:06, my trip to the office would take about another ten minutes and by the looks of things, the morning traffic wasn’t bad for a Monday either.

So, as I sat on the bus, listening to music on Spotify through my mobile phone, I quickly got to thinking about how weird it was going be, being back in the office. I was still genuinely freaked out about catching Covid and having to wear those masks was just such a hassle, but as long as it kept me safe, it was an inconvenience that I could live with. Plus, it’d be good to see the guys from work, and catch up on the goss, speaking to them on MS Teams just wasn’t the same. And lastly, it would be good to see Tom again, I missed our long talks face to face, our trips to the café for lunch, I’m sure most people thought we were an item back when we were in the office all the time, but let them talk, it wasn’t their business, what we did, and I didn’t care. I sent him a WhatsApp message to let him know I was on my way to the office. Ten seconds later, ping, he had messaged me back –

Can’t wait to see you, Sara, see you soon xxxx

Me too babes, been a long time xxx - I replied. I smiled at that, it had been a long time, two long years in fact, which was crazy to think of life had kind of come to a standstill.

I looked out of my window and saw I was nearly at my destination, so I pressed the Stop button beside my chair and got up, and walked to the front of the bus. The driver slowed down and gradually came to a halt at the bus stop, I could see a slight drizzle was starting to come down, so I pulled up my jacket hood and hopped out of the bus.

A further five minutes and I was at the office building, I took my security pass out of my pocket and swiped my way inside the building. I paused at the reception, greeted the security guard, and signed the Visitor Book. I then made my way to the West Wing where the contract I worked on was situated and grabbed a desk. There was nobody in the office today! Just bloody typical! I set up my laptops on my desk, connecting the various cables and adapters that I had been given to be able to work in the office. Once that was done, I quickly logged into one of my laptops and checked my emails. A notification popped up on my screen, 121 at 9:15, meeting room 2.

Oh shit, I’d forgotten about my 121 today, shit, shit. I hoped I had sent my form back to Tom, I knew he could get a bit pissy if they hadn’t been done on time. I checked my Outlook sent items and found the email with the 121 attachment, which I’d sent on the 28th of March, phew, glad I remembered!

I checked the time on the laptop, and I logged myself in, changing my code from Back Office to 121.

I walked to meeting room 2 and knocked on the door. There was an audible click as the door unlocked and I hear Tom say. “Come in.” With my right hand, I pushed the door open and stepped into the meeting room.

I see Tom sitting at his desk with a big cheesy smile on his face, he looks tired, but he carries it off well.

His black hair is clipped short, and the streaks of grey are now more pronounced since the last time I saw him. He stares at me with his brown eyes through his thin glasses. His beard, now peppered with silver was also neatly trimmed. I notice he’s wearing his favourite red polo shirt, his hairy muscular arms straining in the fabric. The top buttons of his shirt have come undone so that I could see just a glimpse of his chest hair.

“Hey Sara, how you doing?” Trying his hardest to impersonate Joey from Friends.

“Hi,” I said sheepishly, smiling back at him from underneath my mask. It was good to see him. “I’m doing well, thanks. You mind if I take this mask off?”

“Nah, go ahead take it off, I don’t mind.” He responds.

“Thanks, I say, “I can’t stand the thing.” I take off the mask and put it in my jacket pocket, which I then take off and drape over the chair in front of Tom’s desk.

“Looking good Sara,” he tells me, “Good to see you back in the flesh,” he grins back at me.

“I know, you too babes,” I reply, “Finally, you get me all to yourself!”

He barks out a laugh, it’s a deep laugh, which makes his eyes crinkle up, it’s a very sexy laugh, which I have always liked.

“I know right!? Go on, sit down Sara please”, and points to the chair I had draped my jacket over.

“It’s probably better if you come and sit beside me,” He quickly adds, “So I can show you your stats on my screen and save you from having to lean over the desk.

“Uh huh, I slowly say and do an eye roll, “I see what you’re trying to do Mr Hollingsworth!

“And what’s that Miss Millar? He shoots back at me, grinning all the while.

“Why, you’re trying to seduce me with your devilish ways, good sir!” I say in mock horror.

“What!” He blurts out and we both burst out into laughter at how silly we are behaving. I push the chair beside him, and he begins to go over my metrics.

Now I won’t bore you with the details but let us just say that my Average Handling Time was on target at just below the target of 490 seconds and my First Time Fix rate was at a brilliant 74%, the target being 50%. Also, my call quality was at 98% I was truly the Golden Child in my Team.

“Ok Sarah, just going to bring up your 121 form now,” Tom tells me, “Thank you for sending it back to me promptly, really appreciated.”

“That’s okay, no problem,” I say, and Tom begins to go over my form. He asks me various questions and highlights areas that I have brought up, we go over what I have achieved over the past quarter and what areas I wanted to develop in, and lastly, he comes to the end section of my form.

“See that wasn’t too bad now, was it?” He asks me.

“Yeah, not bad at all,” I reply.

“Hey, I was thinking, you fancy grabbing a bite to eat later, my treat?” He says.

“Oh yeah, that would be nice,” I tell him, “What are you in the mood for?”

I see his eyes light up, he stretches his big arms above his head, his shirt straining around his biceps.

“I’m in the mood for plenty of things!” He teases me and gently places his left hand on my right leg.

I try not to let out a sigh as the feel of his hand on my jeans sends a tingle up my body. I go to move his hand away but instead I place my hand on top of his.

“Like what?” I whisper, my voice nearly breaking.

Tom leans over to me and whispers in my ear, “I want to eat your pussy today, Sara, I’ve been thinking about it for months.”

“What, no…” I spill out. I can feel my cunt already starting to get wet, I do want him. I haven’t had a fuck in ages, but fucking Tom would be the biggest cliché going!

“I’m so sorry Sara,” He stammers, his face going red, “I don’t know what possessed me, God this is so awkward now!”

“Sorry Tom, I’m flattered, but don’t you think this will make things weird between us? I tell him, and I can see how embarrassed he is now as he steps away.

“Yeah, I know, I know.” He sighs as he slumps back on his chair all dejected. “It’s just been so long since I’ve been with anybody Sara, and after splitting up with Julie and then Covid… Anyway, it’s a shitty excuse, so let’s try to just forget this ever happened. I was bang out of order. I hope you can forgive me, Sara?”

I look at him, I hate seeing him sad, he looks small in his chair like a lost little boy. A million thoughts go through my head. I do want him though, but what if this fucks up things between us, is it worth chucking away a 6-year friendship just for a quick shag?

Fuck it, we both need some TLC. I gently grab his hand and tell him, “It’s okay Tom, I forgive you, but hey, what’s a good fuck between friends anyway?”

He looks up at me, surprise in his eyes, “What, what are you saying Sara?”

“What I mean Tom is,” And I lean over to him, my mouth close to his ear, “let’s just do it, let’s have some fun, live a little!”

“Are you sure Sara?” He queries a smile back on his face, his eyes filling up with excitement.

“Yes!” And I grab him and kiss him. He doesn’t resist and holds firmly me as we snog, it’s a long and hungry kiss, full of pent-up lust. I hesitantly pull away, gasping for air.

“Where you want to fuck?” I ask breathlessly.

“Here!” He growls, “on my desk!”

“Right here? But what if someone comes in?” I blurt out.

“Right here, right now Sara, nobody will come in, I have to buzz them in.” He responds.

“Ok, Tom, let’s do this!” I say excitedly. He takes that as permission to pick me up and gently places me on his desk.

“Now take off your jeans, slowly.” He commands. I do as he tells me, without hesitation, slowly removing my jeans, whilst he helps me slip out of my trainers.

I lie on the table now in just my blouse and panties and I watch him drink in the sight of my exposed lower half. His eyes burned with a look of hunger that I’d never seen on Tom before. He licks his lips and I feel my panties get wetter.

He groans softly when he sees that black fabric of my knickers covering my dripping pussy.

I bite my lip as I see the excitement build up on his face, my body trembling in anticipation waiting for his next move. He rubs a thumb over the fabric that had darkened as my cunt gets wetter and wetter.

“Now show me your pussy, Sara!”

I pull the sopping panties off and spread my legs open, he grabs my panties and buries his face in them, inhaling my fragrance.

“Fuck!” He exhales and puts them down.

“Like what you see?” I tease, running a finger up my wet slit.

“Yes, yes I do!” and takes my teasing wet finger and places it into his mouth, sucking off the juices that were there. He then begins to rub my pussy in slow circular movements, I try not to sob with the pleasure, I want him to stick his tongue in me, want him to taste me. He slips a finger between my pussy lips and I nearly scream. He slowly runs his finger up to my clit, which he begins to gently rub. I thrust my hips towards him, my eyes begging him not to stop. His finger moves further than I expected to my arse hole. With his wet finger, he caresses me where no one has ever touched me before. I wanted to tell him to stop, but my curiosity takes over. My breathing comes out in gasps and involuntarily my muscles squeeze together in apprehension. My body trembled, my cunt dripping more juice on the table.

“Do you want me to stop?” He asks a look of concern on his face.

“No, don’t stop Tom!” I reply.

He slowly strokes me around and around relaxing me, as he feels my arse muscles relax, he puts more pressure on the centre and slides his finger in. I let out a grunt, it feels good, my entire body tingling as waves of pleasure spread out and gather in that one zone. With his index finger, he slowly moves in and out while rubbing my clit with his thumb.

His fingers move faster, making wet sounds as he thrusts them into my wet hole. I can feel myself already on the edge, ready to burst, my orgasm building and building. He looks at me intensely his face full of concentration, “Yes! YES! YES!” I cry and just before I explode, before I cum so hard that I’m shaking with the anticipation of the best fucking orgasm in ages, he pulls his fingers out, letting out a chuckle.

“Tom, no, please!” I beg, disappointed he has stopped. I slide towards him, bashing him on the chest with my hands in frustration.

“Got to slow down!” He laughs.

“Oh, you bugger! I huff and I push him back onto his chair, which he falls back on laughing at my annoyance. I stand between his legs and kneel, “Now, I’m going to sort you out!”

I’m not going to lie to you, but I had always wanted to see Tom’s cock, I wanted to feel it, taste it, smell it. The number of times I had laid in bed thinking of it as I played with my twat was an unhealthy amount of times. He had never sent me any dick pics, bless him and now I was mere seconds away from seeing it, I was well and truly over the moon. I just hope I wouldn’t be disappointed.

I quickly undo his belt and was not disappointed. His thick long cock, was hard and standing to attention, its tip wet with precum.

Tom looked down at me, “Well hello there.” He smirked.

I take hold of his cock and begin to lick the tip of it with my tongue, a groan of satisfaction hissing out between his teeth. He smells good, tastes good, God this is heaven and I take his cock fully into my mouth. I suck hard, sliding my mouth down the length of his cock, my teeth gently grazing his shaft. He grips my head tightly, he likes that! I lick up and down, up, and down, wanking him off as I do so.

“Sara, that’s so fucking good!” He groans out loud.

I take each of his heavy balls in my mouth and suck on them too, savouring the taste of his sweat on my tongue. I continue to suck him off, thick strings of saliva running down my mouth and his cock. I slip my left hand between my legs and begin to finger fuck my dripping pussy.

I lick my tongue around the head of his cock and with my right hand, massage his aching balls, he’s panting now, his breathing thicker. I build up the tempo, as I suck, nibble, and kiss his gorgeous cock. He grips my hair firmly, pushing my head down further onto his cock. My fingers between my legs are a blur now, I can feel I’m about to climax.

“Ahh Sara, I’m close, don’t stop, don’t stop!” He cries, his hips bucking on his chair.

I pull away from him, a long line of glistening spit connecting his cock to my mouth for a second or two before it breaks away.

“Now I’m getting my own back on you!” I laugh, his face is a picture.

“Oh, you little cock tease!” He barks and pushes me back onto the desk. I gasped as he spreads my legs roughly, opening me wide.

"Hmm, looks like pussy’s back on the menu boys," he says with his head above my sopping pussy.

Tom sticks out the tip of his tongue and slowly, oh so slowly flicks my clit. I let out a groan and I grasp his head with both hands, guiding him where I want him to lick me. He begins to lick thoroughly between my pussy lips, taking each one in his mouth and sucking them with delight. From top to bottom, he eats me out, taking his time, time slows down and I know I’m about to have the best fucking orgasm I have ever had. He uses his thumb and tongue on my clit, massaging that little bud until it’s painful to touch. Then finally he sticks his tongue deep inside me, I couldn't hold back.

"Oh, yes Tom,” I moan, I’m going to cum!”

He looks up at me, his beard glistening with my juices, and says, "God, it's so sexy to hear you moan my name like that. You have no idea what it does to me."

He devours me then, speeding up the pace of his hand. I let out another long groan as a finger enters me, my muscles clenching around it, pulling it in.

“FUCK, fuck! Give it to me,” I beg Tom. I wanted more of him. He stares back at me with a devilish grin on his face, and I give him a quick nod of my head. He adds another finger and I feel my climax grow, it builds up and up and I feel like every nerve in my body is starting to light up and with every thrust of his fingers and every lick of his tongue, I try to hold back as much as possible, savouring each second of Tom’s pussy eating skills. Then he adds a third and final finger and I couldn't take it anymore, I cum loudly. Juices explode all over Tom’s face, which he gladly laps up and my muscles clench around his fingers, my hips jerking as the orgasm flows through my whole body. He keeps stroking me, kissing me, licking my juices until I calm down.

“Was that good Sara?” He pants.

I gently stroke his face and reassure him, “Yes that was fucking amazing Tom!”

He grins at me and tells me, “Now it’s my turn. Just give me a sec.” And I watch him as he quickly digs into his trousers, takes out his wallet, and pulls out a condom wrapper.

“Don’t you go anywhere!” He giggles and carefully rips the condom wrapper with his teeth and expertly fits the condom around his cock.

“Ready for action?” He asks.

“Of course, I am!” I purr back at him and with that, he once again lays me back on his desk. He glances back at me, brushing my rumpled hair away from my face, wiping some makeup that had smeared on my cheek, and pushes the tip of his cock against my still-wet pussy.

"Perfect." I sigh moving my hips so he would come inside me.

“Excellent," he says as he pushes himself fully into me.

I cry out. His cock felt so good inside me. It was everything I had been waiting for.

"Yes Tom, that feels so good baby," I say.

He takes a hold of my hips and starts fucking me hard. His thumb rubbed my clit like a craftsman again. Still sensitive from my orgasm minutes ago.

"Oh yes! Tom, yes!" I shout.

His pace quickens and I feel myself tighten around him as another orgasm builds up inside of me. He whispers in my ear as he pulls out from inside of me, "I'm not done yet."

Tom lifts me and lays me on my front, my blouse sliding up my chest, my rear up in the air. I give my arse a small wiggle.

He rubs my buttocks and then spits on his fingers, gently stroking my little puckered arse hole again with a wet finger. He pushes his cock into my pussy from behind, filling me up deeper than before. He circles my other hole with his finger when he's fully inside me. I moan from the sensation tingling through me. Ever so gently Tom pushes one finger into me, rubbing me deliciously.

I lose control then, letting myself go completely. Our moans and grunts fill up the small office room. With each wet thrust of his cock in my cunt, he slips his finger into my arse. It’s wild and it’s all I need to drive me on.

“Ohhh you little fucker! Yes, keep fucking me hard with that sweet cock of yours!” I snort as my next orgasm overwhelms me and all my muscles contract in ecstasy.

Spurred by my cries of pleasure Tom fucks me faster and harder, losing control of his thrusts.

"Sara!" He cries, “I’m gonna cum baby!”

I turn round and go down on him, pulling the condom off his cock. I suck him hard, making a gagging noise as I take him even further into my mouth and his hips began to jerk.

“I’m gonna cum!” He groans and I feel his cock tighten and finally, he releases his hot load into my mouth. My mouth is filled with his delicious cum, I savour it, sloshing it around in my mouth before I swallow it all.

I lick my lips while standing up and smiling back at him.

“Best 121 yet!” I announce.

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